Monday, June 13, 2011

ISAS #1, 2, 8-13, 17 on p. 23-24

1. No, it actually means that he used more water than he would have used my simply drinking tap water. This is the case because in order for canned fruit juice to be produced, many steps must take place. A vast amount of water must be used to grow the fruit trees, process the fruit juice, and overall the water used to make the container.
2. The indirect uses of water that are associated with producing a loaf of bread include packaging the bread (transportation), and creating the mix/dough to bake the bread out of. During packaging, boats and cars are used to deliver breads to and from factories to consumers. This uses water as a form of energy and water is in the recipe to make bread.
8. The amount of water on Earth has most likely changed slightly within the past 100 years because the amount of rain throughout a hundred years has been sporadic and inconsistent. This has especially occurred due to the whole theory of "Global Warming". However, it has changed drastically from the past 1 million years because new oceans and water masses have been formed, and there is much more water on the earth then there was that period of time ago.
9. Oceans, glaciers, rivers, and last is water vapor.
10. This would be true in a situation where the water was not pure. An example of a such a situation would be in a region that can not afford the technology to produce clean water such as Liberia, one of the poorest countries in the world.
11. In the West (California), 77% of water is used for irrigation and agriculture.
12. Glaciers are 2.11% and Lakes are 0.009%
13. It might be possible because water on Earth does not disappear. Instead, it revolves around the hydrologic cycle. The water the dinosaur drank was most likely urinated and then evaporated. After evaporation and condensation, it either reached the ground through rain or snow, and was most likely evaporated many more times. Eventually this water became purified and drinkable for me.
17. Everyone's water use is not calculated exactly and it is difficult to determine how much water each family uses because of indirect water usage. Also, depending on the family's financial resources, some families may directly use water less/more than others.

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